
Windowsに.NETFramework4.0をインストールできませんXP SP3

管理者としてログインしているWindows XP SP3を使用しています。




  • .NET Framework 1.1
  • .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2
  • .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2
  • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
  • WindowsXP用のMicrosoftCompression Client Pack 1.0
  • Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007
  • マイクロソフトシルバーライト
  • MicrosoftUSBフラッシュドライバーマネージャー
  • Micrsoftユーザーモードドライバーフレームワーク機能パック1.0
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005ATLアップデートKB973923 x86 8.050727.4053
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005再配布可能


Exists: evaluating...

[10/21/2011, 22:17:14]MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C3901C5-3455-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches

[10/21/2011, 22:17:14] Exists evaluated to false

[10/21/2011, 22:15:50]calling PerformAction on an installing performer
[10/21/2011, 22:15:50] Action: Performing actions on all Items...

[10/21/2011, 22:15:50]Wait for Item (clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32) to be available
[10/21/2011, 22:15:50]clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32 is now available to install
[10/21/2011, 22:15:50]Creating new Performer for ServiceControl item
[10/21/2011, 22:15:50] Action: ServiceControl - Stop clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32...

[10/21/2011, 22:15:50]ServiceControl operation succeeded!

[10/21/2011, 22:15:50] Action complete

[10/21/2011, 22:15:50]Error 0 is mapped to Custom Error: 
[10/21/2011, 22:15:50]Wait for Item (Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x86.msu) to be available
[10/21/2011, 22:15:51]Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x86.msu is now available to install
[10/21/2011, 22:15:51]Created new DoNothingPerformer for File item
[10/21/2011, 22:15:51]No CustomError defined for this item.
[10/21/2011, 22:15:51]Wait for Item (Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x86.msu) to be available
[10/21/2011, 22:15:51]Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x86.msu is now available to install
[10/21/2011, 22:15:51]Created new DoNothingPerformer for File item
[10/21/2011, 22:15:51]No CustomError defined for this item.
[10/21/2011, 22:15:51]Wait for Item (netfx_Core.mzz) to be available
[10/21/2011, 22:15:52]netfx_Core.mzz is now available to install
[10/21/2011, 22:15:52]Created new DoNothingPerformer for File item
[10/21/2011, 22:15:52]No CustomError defined for this item.
[10/21/2011, 22:15:52]Wait for Item (netfx_Core_x86.msi) to be available
[10/21/2011, 22:15:52]netfx_Core_x86.msi is now available to install
[10/21/2011, 22:15:52]Creating new Performer for MSI item
[10/21/2011, 22:15:52] Action: Performing Action on MSI at F:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x86.msi...

[10/21/2011, 22:15:52]Log File F:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile Setup_20111021_221545515-MSI_netfx_Core_x86.msi.txt does not yet exist but may do at Watson upload time
[10/21/2011, 22:15:52]Calling MsiInstallProduct(F:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x86.msi, EXTUI=1
[10/21/2011, 22:17:14]MSI (F:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile Setup_4.0.30319\netfx_Core_x86.msi) Installation failed. Msi Log: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile Setup_20111021_221545515-MSI_netfx_Core_x86.msi.txt
[10/21/2011, 22:17:14]PerformOperation returned 1603 (translates to HRESULT = 0x80070643)

[10/21/2011, 22:17:14] Action complete

[10/21/2011, 22:17:14]OnFailureBehavior for this item is to Rollback.
[10/21/2011, 22:17:14] Action: Performing actions on all Items...

[10/21/2011, 22:17:14] Action complete

[10/21/2011, 22:17:14] Action complete

[10/21/2011, 22:17:14]Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), "Fatal error during installation. " (Elapsed time: 0 00:01:29).
[10/21/2011, 22:17:41]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus


MSI (s) (6C:EC) [22:17:13:828]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: F:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSIBB4.tmp, Entrypoint: NgenUpdateHighestVersionRollback
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:13:984]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CA_NgenRemoveNicPFROs_I_DEF_x86.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8,,)
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:13:984]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CA_NgenRemoveNicPFROs_I_RB_x86.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8,,)
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:13:984]: Executing op: CustomActionRollback(Action=CA_NgenRemoveNicPFROs_I_RB_x86.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8,ActionType=17729,Source=BinaryData,Target=NgenRemoveNicPFROs,)
MSI (s) (6C:AC) [22:17:13:984]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: F:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSIBB5.tmp, Entrypoint: NgenRemoveNicPFROs
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:14:000]: Executing op: End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord=0,ProgressTotalLDWord=0)
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:14:000]: Error in rollback skipped.  Return: 5
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:14:015]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:14:015]: Unlocking Server
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:14:015]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting UpdateStarted property. Its current value is '1'.
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:14:031]: Note: 1: 1708 
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:14:031]: Product: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile -- Installation failed.

MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:14:078]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist
MSI (s) (6C:64) [22:17:14:078]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
MSI (s) (6C:EC) [22:17:14:171]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (s) (6C:9C) [22:17:14:171]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
MSI (c) (F4:C4) [22:17:14:203]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (F4:C4) [22:17:14:203]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
=== Verbose logging stopped: 10/21/2011  22:17:14 ===

。NET Framework Cleanup Tool を使用して、コンピューターから.NET Frameworkのすべてのトレースを消去し、インストールを再試行できます。

この.NETFrameworkクリーンアップツールは、選択したバージョンの.NETFrameworkをコンピューターから削除するための一連の手順を自動的に実行するように設計されています。 .NET Frameworkのファイル、ディレクトリ、レジストリキーと値、およびWindowsインストーラ製品の登録情報が削除されます。 このツールは、.NET Frameworkのインストール、アンインストール、修復、またはパッチ適用エラーが発生した場合に、システムを既知の(比較的クリーンな)状態に戻して、再インストールを試みることを主な目的としています。 。



  1. 詳細については、最初にログファイルを確認してくださいF:\ DOCUME〜1\Owner\LOCALS〜1\Temp\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile Setup_20111021_221545515-MSI_netfx_Core_x86.msi.txt.

  2. clearing TEMPフォルダーを試してください。次に、インストールを再開します。

Ganesh R.