Set dtmConvertedDate = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set oss = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each os in oss
Wscript.Echo "Boot Device: " & os.BootDevice
Wscript.Echo "Build Number: " & os.BuildNumber
Wscript.Echo "Build Type: " & os.BuildType
Wscript.Echo "Caption: " & os.Caption
Wscript.Echo "Code Set: " & os.CodeSet
Wscript.Echo "Country Code: " & os.CountryCode
Wscript.Echo "Debug: " & os.Debug
Wscript.Echo "Encryption Level: " & os.EncryptionLevel
dtmConvertedDate.Value = os.InstallDate
dtmInstallDate = dtmConvertedDate.GetVarDate
Wscript.Echo "Install Date: " & dtmInstallDate
Wscript.Echo "Licensed Users: " & os.NumberOfLicensedUsers
Wscript.Echo "Organization: " & os.Organization
Wscript.Echo "OS Language: " & os.OSLanguage
Wscript.Echo "OS Product Suite: " & os.OSProductSuite
Wscript.Echo "OS Type: " & os.OSType
Wscript.Echo "Primary: " & os.Primary
Wscript.Echo "Registered User: " & os.RegisteredUser
Wscript.Echo "Serial Number: " & os.SerialNumber
Wscript.Echo "Version: " & os.Version
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
から ここ :
' Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
'************************************************************************** *
' WMI Sample Script - Information about the OS (VBScript)
' This script demonstrates how to retrieve the info about the OS on the local machine from instances of
' Win32_OperatingSystem.
'************************************************************************** *
Set SystemSet = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf ("Win32_OperatingSystem")
for each System in SystemSet
WScript.Echo System.Caption
WScript.Echo System.Manufacturer
WScript.Echo System.BuildType
WScript.Echo " Version: " + System.Version
WScript.Echo " Locale: " + System.Locale
WScript.Echo " Windows Directory: " + System.WindowsDirectory
WScript.Echo " Total memory: " + System.TotalVisibleMemorySize + " bytes"
WScript.Echo " Serial Number: " + System.SerialNumber
Wscript.Echo ""
最初のメッセージボックスには、「Microsoft Windows7Professional」と表示されます。