

私は、WindowsUpdateが狂ったWindows2008R2サーバーを持っています。昨夜、CPUを100%固定し、1GBのRAMを使用し始めました。 Windows Updateサービスを強制終了すると、CPUとMEMが通常の状態に戻りましたが、根本的な原因を見つけるのに苦労しています。再起動後も動作が持続し、サービスをオンに戻すとCPUが100%に戻ります

Windows Updateはダウンロードのみに設定されており、手動でパッチを適用しています。11月の更新にはまだパッチを適用していません。


2014-11-20 18:45:06, Info                  CBS    Session: 30409970_438815240 initialized by client RMT.
2014-11-20 18:45:06, Info                  CBS    Session: 30409970_438815240 finalized. Reboot required: no [HRESULT = 0x00000000 - S_OK]
2014-11-20 18:47:10, Info                  CBS    Session: 30409970_1686451038 initialized by client RMT.
2014-11-20 18:47:10, Info                  CBS    Session: 30409970_1686451038 finalized. Reboot required: no [HRESULT = 0x00000000 - S_OK]
2014-11-20 18:57:11, Info                  CBS    Reboot mark refs incremented to: 1
2014-11-20 18:57:11, Info                  CBS    Scavenge: Starts
2014-11-20 18:57:11, Info                  CSI    00000009@2014/11/20:18:57:11.477 CSI Transaction @0x36c830 initialized for deployment engine {d16d444c-56d8-11d5-882d-0080c847b195} with flags 00000002 and client id [10]"TI6.0_0:0/"
2014-11-20 18:57:11, Info                  CBS    Scavenge: Begin CSI Store
2014-11-20 18:57:20, Info                  CSI    0000000a Performing 1 operations; 1 are not lock/unlock and follow:
Scavenge (8): flags: 00000017
2014-11-20 18:57:20, Info                  CSI    0000000b Store coherency cookie matches last scavenge cookie, skipping scavenge.
2014-11-20 18:57:20, Info                  CSI    0000000c ICSITransaction::Commit calling IStorePendingTransaction::Apply - coldpatching=FALSE applyflags=7
2014-11-20 18:57:20, Info                  CSI    0000000d Creating NT transaction (seq 2), objectname [6]"(null)"
2014-11-20 18:57:20, Info                  CSI    0000000e Created NT transaction (seq 2) result 0x00000000, handle @0x94
2014-11-20 18:57:21, Info                  CSI    0000000f@2014/11/20:18:57:21.194 CSI perf trace: CSIPERF:TXCOMMIT;48025
2014-11-20 18:57:21, Info                  CBS    Scavenge: Completed, disposition: 0X1
2014-11-20 18:57:21, Info                  CSI    00000010@2014/11/20:18:57:21.203 CSI Transaction @0x36c830 destroyed
2014-11-20 18:57:21, Info                  CBS    Reboot mark refs: 0
2014-11-20 18:57:21, Info                  CBS    Idle processing thread terminated normally
2014-11-20 18:57:21, Info                  CBS    Ending the TrustedInstaller main loop.
2014-11-20 18:57:21, Info                  CBS    Starting TrustedInstaller finalization.
2014-11-20 18:57:22, Info                  CBS    Ending TrustedInstaller finalization.
2014-11-21 16:56:22, Info                  CBS    Starting TrustedInstaller initialization.
2014-11-21 16:56:22, Info                  CBS    Loaded Servicing Stack v6.1.7601.17514 with Core: C:\Windows\winsxs\AMD64_Microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_none_678566b7ddea04a5\cbscore.dll
2014-11-21 16:56:23, Info                  CSI    00000001@2014/11/21:16:56:23.637 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fedc5ae94d @0x7fedc8d9839 @0x7fedc8a34d3 @0xff1be97c @0xff1bd799 @0xff1bdb2f)
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    Could not load SrClient DLL from path: SrClient.dll.  Continuing without system restore points.
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CSI    00000002@2014/11/21:16:56:24.080 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fedc5ae94d @0x7fedc926806 @0x7fedc8f2a9c @0x7fedc8a35a9 @0xff1be97c @0xff1bd799)
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CSI    00000003@2014/11/21:16:56:24.094 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fedc5ae94d @0x7fee98d8728 @0x7fee98d8856 @0xff1be474 @0xff1bd7de @0xff1bdb2f)
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    Ending TrustedInstaller initialization.
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    Starting the TrustedInstaller main loop.
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    TrustedInstaller service starts successfully.
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    SQM: Initializing online with Windows opt-in: False
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    SQM: Cleaning up report files older than 10 days.
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    SQM: Requesting upload of all unsent reports.
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    SQM: Failed to start upload with file pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_std.sqm, flags: 0x2 [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    SQM: Failed to start standard sample upload. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    SQM: Queued 0 file(s) for upload with pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_all.sqm, flags: 0x6
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    SQM: Warning: Failed to upload all unsent reports. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    No startup processing required, TrustedInstaller service was not set as autostart, or else a reboot is still pending.
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    NonStart: Checking to ensure startup processing was not required.
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CSI    00000004 IAdvancedInstallerAwareStore_ResolvePendingTransactions (call 1) (flags = 00000004, progress = NULL, phase = 0, pdwDisposition = @0x183fbf0
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CSI    00000005 Creating NT transaction (seq 1), objectname [6]"(null)"
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CSI    00000006 Created NT transaction (seq 1) result 0x00000000, handle @0x1cc
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CSI    00000007@2014/11/21:16:56:24.395 CSI perf trace: CSIPERF:TXCOMMIT;81226
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    NonStart: Success, startup processing not required as expected.
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    Startup processing thread terminated normally
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CSI    00000008 CSI Store 3251744 (0x0000000000319e20) initialized
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    Session: 30410156_358019406 initialized by client RMT.
2014-11-21 16:56:24, Info                  CBS    Session: 30410156_358019406 finalized. Reboot required: no [HRESULT = 0x00000000 - S_OK]
2014-11-21 16:58:28, Info                  CBS    Session: 30410156_1599414730 initialized by client RMT.
2014-11-21 16:58:28, Info                  CBS    Session: 30410156_1599414730 finalized. Reboot required: no [HRESULT = 0x00000000 - S_OK]

残念ながら、「ダウンロードのみ」のWindows Updateであっても、特に起動時に「チェック」します。ここで起こっているように見えるのは、そうする過程で問題を見つけているということです。残念ながら、上記のログのエラーに基づいて最もよく一致すると思われる問題は次のとおりです。 http://blogs.technet.com/b/roplatforms/archive/2011/04/28/installation- failed-cbs-store-corruptions-uncommon-issues-and-troubleshooting.aspx

また、「TrustedInstaller 100%CPU Windows 2008 r2」で検索して、適用可能な他のオプションを確認することもできます(私は新しいので、いくつかのURLしか投稿できないか、ここにリストします)。

