今、私はWPの再インストール、および Artiss Transient Cleaner を使用して一時的なメッセージを削除するなど、いくつかのことを試しましたが、何も機能しないようです。このローグ/ゴースト「プラグイン」が何もないときにアップデートをリクエストする原因となる可能性のあるアイデアはありますか?おかげで、私はあなたの助けに感謝します。
これは、アクティベーションキーを必要とするプレミアムプラグインやテーマで時々見られます。 WP UIはプラグインまたはテーマを更新するための方法を提供しませんが、保留中の更新カウント数はUIに表示されます。
* Debug Pending Updates
* Crude debugging method that will spit out all pending plugin
* and theme updates for admin level users when ?debug_updates is
* added to a /wp-admin/ URL.
function debug_pending_updates() {
// Rough safety nets
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() || ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) return;
if ( ! isset( $_GET['debug_updates'] ) ) return;
$output = "";
// Check plugins
$plugin_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' );
if ( $plugin_updates && ! empty( $plugin_updates->response ) ) {
foreach ( $plugin_updates->response as $plugin => $details ) {
$output .= "<p><strong>Plugin</strong> <u>$plugin</u> is reporting an available update.</p>";
// Check themes
$theme_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_themes' );
if ( $theme_updates && ! empty( $theme_updates->response ) ) {
foreach ( $theme_updates->response as $theme => $details ) {
$output .= "<p><strong>Theme</strong> <u>$theme</u> is reporting an available update.</p>";
if ( empty( $output ) ) $output = "No pending updates found in the database.";
wp_die( $output );
add_action( 'init', 'debug_pending_updates' );
期限切れのYoast Premiumプラグインが原因でしたが、それを非アクティブ化して再アクティブ化すると、更新の問題が解決しました。
* Debug Pending Updates
* Displays hidden plugin and theme updates on update-core screen.
function debug_pending_updates() {
// Rough safety nets
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() || ! current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) || ! current_user_can( 'update_themes' ) ) return;
$output = "";
// Check plugins
$plugin_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' );
if ( $plugin_updates && ! empty( $plugin_updates->response ) ) {
foreach ( $plugin_updates->response as $plugin => $details ) {
$output .= "<p><strong>Plugin</strong> <u>$plugin</u> is reporting an available update.</p>";
// Check themes
$theme_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_themes' );
if ( $theme_updates && ! empty( $theme_updates->response ) ) {
foreach ( $theme_updates->response as $theme => $details ) {
$output .= "<p><strong>Theme</strong> <u>$theme</u> is reporting an available update.</p>";
if ( empty( $output ) ) $output = "No pending updates found in the database.";
echo "<h2>Pending updates</h2>" . $output;
add_action( 'core_upgrade_preamble', 'debug_pending_updates' );
Wordpress 5.0.1のインストールで同じ問題が発生しました。私の場合、これはFormidable Premiumプラグが原因でした。この問題はFormidableサポートチームからも送信されました。そこに変更、ここに彼らのメッセージがあります:
Hi ,
As some of you may know, we updated the licensing software on our
site a few months ago. This meant we had to move all of the
licensing information to a new format. Unfortunately, this caused
some of the custom site limits to be reduced for add-ons that
weren’t bundled with a grandfathered license.
We had a few people understandably ask us about this. Our solution
was that they could manually upgrade to a bundle, which would solve
the problem.
However, over the last month we were made aware that some people
were upset with the reduction in limits, but hadn’t contacted us
about it.
As a result, we set to work and moved everyone with a Business or
Enterprise license over to a bundle that would automatically correct
the issue.
I want to take this opportunity to apologize for the trouble we may
have caused, and that we didn’t realize sooner that so many people
had been negatively affected. I would also like to reassure you that
we never intend to remove a grandfathered benefit from your account.
I hope you were not among the group that lost faith in us over this
issue. While we will always aim to resolve issues as soon as they
occur, we would ask that if you ever run into another problem, that
you contact us about it first. That way, we can rectify the problem
and reduce the trouble it causes you.
私はこの問題を経験し、W3 Total Cacheが原因であることがわかりました。プラグインを非アクティブ化および再アクティブ化すると、問題が解決しました。手がかりとして this forum への帽子のヒント。
FTPアクセス権がない場合でも、[プラグイン]> [エディター]に移動し、右上隅のドロップダウンを見ると、ファイルを表示できます。