import Qt 4.7
import "Teeworlds" as Teeworlds
Item {
Column {
Teeworlds.ServerItem {
serverName: "InstaGib, lost [xyz]"
Teeworlds.ServerItem {
serverName: "Arena.sbor (rus)"
import QtQuick 1.0
BorderImage {
id: serverItem
property string serverName: "unnamed server"
property string gameType: "DM"
property int numPlayers: 0
property int maxPlayers: 8
property int ping: 60
Text {
id: title
text: parent.serverName
Grid {
id: grid title.bottom
columns: 2
rows: 3
Text { text: "Gametype: " } Text { text: gameType }
Text { text: "Players: " } Text { text: numPlayers + "/" + maxPlayers }
Text { text: "Ping: " } Text { text: ping }
import QtQuick 1.1
import "Teeworlds" as Teeworlds
Item {
width: 800; // root item so give a size
height: 600;
Flickable {
clip: true;
anchors.fill: parent; // use a flickable to allow scrolling
contentWidth: width; // flickable content width is its own width, scroll only vertically
contentHeight: layout.height; // content height is the height of the layout of items
Column {
id: layout;
anchors { // the column should have a real size so make it fill the parent horizontally
left: parent.left;
right: parent.right;
Teeworlds.ServerItem {
serverName: "InstaGib, lost [xyz]";
Teeworlds.ServerItem {
serverName: "Arena.sbor (rus)";
import QtQuick 1.1
BorderImage {
id: serverItem;
height: grid.y + grid.height; // compute the item height using content position and size
anchors { // to have a real size, items should grow horizontally in their parent
left: parent.left;
right: parent.right;
property string serverName : "unnamed server";
property string gameType : "DM";
property int numPlayers : 0;
property int maxPlayers : 8;
property int ping : 60;
Text {
id: title;
text: parent.serverName;
Grid {
id: grid;
columns: 2;
anchors { // the grid must anchor under the title but horizontally in the parent too
top: title.bottom;
left: parent.left;
right: parent.right;
Text { text: "Gametype: " }
Text { text: gameType }
Text { text: "Players: " }
Text { text: numPlayers + "/" + maxPlayers }
Text { text: "Ping: " }
Text { text: ping }
実際、それは非常に簡単です。 ServerItemオブジェクトにはサイズがありません。クリッピングがないため、コンテンツのみを表示できます。解決策は、ServerItemクラス(またはmain.qmlのインスタンス)で高さと幅を設定するか、成長する要素を使用することです。 ServerItemルート要素としての列。
import QtQuick 1.0
Column {
id: serverItem
BorderImage {
anchors.fill: parent
//... the rest